From there, the acadmicos psychologists had started to believe that he was possible to develop a study scientific of the Personality. 2 – CONCEPTS OF the PERSONALITY When we relate in them of the personality of somebody, we have in account its feelings, emotions, thought, attitudes, behavior, motivations, taken of decision, projecto of life. It is still to speak of interpersonal relations, social behavior. It involves the totality of the person. The Personality allows that let us recognize in them and let us be recognized, exactly when plays some social roles. Many concepts of the Personality exist, divergindo consonant its authors. In the vision of AllPort, 1937, the Personality is the dynamic organization, in the seio of the individual, of psychological systems that determine the characteristic behavior and its thoughts.
Hermeneutizando well this concept, arrives it a conclusion of that, it is an only entity that translates the form as a person thinks, reflecte, acts and if it holds in different situations. One is about a dynamic organization, an active mechanism. Such definition also insists on biological bases of the personality. This aspect constitutes a primordial point, therefore, currently, no psychologist can deny the influence of the biological factors, in the liberal interpretation of the personality. according to Eysenck, 1953, the Personality is the more or less firm and durable organization of carcter, the temperament, the intelligence and the physical dimension of a citizen; such organization determines its singular adaptation to the way. Its definition insists equally on durable carcter and the fact of that each individual to be only in function of its proper organization. for Cattell, 1950 the Personality starts to be what it allows a prediction of what a person, in one determined situation, goes to make. This concept discloses us the fact of that Cattell, if interested for an only aspect of the personality, this, is to foresee the form as a person if it goes to hold.