The Way


Where I am? Profit to already see me, I am in a very strange place, see a great desert my feet sink on the sand by the way this a little warms up, the sky is a combined color like reddish with a red color, exist lightning, I am scared, my eyes see therefore far a great enormous coliseo and very many people walking therefore, they also are in this desert like I, am something in which she makes me feel the sensation to go grasped the coliseo. The cold torments to me, the solitude torments to me, the anguish only torments to me I know that I must go to me to where I believe that they call to me. Little by little me I am approaching that one coliseo, all this very dark and the desert as any other it does the way to you but difficult by each step that I give I feel slowness more and more but I must follow, I have walked would seem enough that it did not advance in anything but I do not have to surrender I see since there are others fall, I see other that surrender before the misfortune, but that makes all that people here? She is very many, cry, others are lamented, but all have the same objective like mine, I believe that I am disturbed so much as. 1.1 The WAY BETWEEN the SKY OR HELL I do not understand, little by little they clarify my thought indeed I finish dying, and now where I am, which is not certain, that finally I arrive at the coliseo, is very great, in addition this lighting system by torches, does not exist another light in this site but that the torches that are around the coliseo, is warm until a certain point, increases the amount here of people that manages to observe from outside, all realise three rows, feels that they have the desperation to arrive soon at his destiny, I am asked I will have to do same.