General Director


It starts to observe the prominence people its return, ' ' iluminados' ' you go to certify yourself that its decurrent of Perspiration and very little decurrent abilities are of Inspiration. Therefore, transpire and either curious and an anxious one in learning, transforming useful information into incredible knowledge and make the difference. 4 Value the people and the relationships It has few years, a General Director of a company decided to interrupt its activities (I do not have notice if it is in another institution or if ' ' he hung chuteiras' '). Which was its last decision? It decided to visit all the units operational and if to fire to each collaborator. In its speech, it he systematically mentioned the basic importance of the people.

To the end, I had chance to demonstrate pra it interesting quo considered this focus. it said: ' ' it can be certain of this and it can bet that this is caminho' '. Perhaps one of the most important advice has been this who already have received. I have been able to prove that it was certain. It is well possible that, at some moments, has that to be pleased a price for valuing people and relationships, but this price will not pass of something of ' ' shot curto' ' , fast and temporary e, more the front goes to perceive that the penalty was valid. To work the relation with the people, the attention of quality to the fellow workers is an investment.

We cannot forgetting in them that, independently of the conjuncture, who it makes (produces) or who leaves to make (to produce) is the people. 5 do not tolerate the imperfections, before search corrigiz them of the next time: Imperfections always will happen. This is fact. No matter how hard in them let us perfect, no matter how hard let us search the excellency or let us calibrate the level of the autocobrana, them go to appear.