They are interested in a more noble occupation, requiring concentrated thoughtfulness. Even in those subjects where is present hint of indecorous, the characters retain their dignity and distinguished aristocratic manners. On risque connotations tells us only the language of symbols, such as a glass of lemonade in the hands of a girl talking about is not noble inclinations standing next to the gentleman. Without knowing the values of these characters, we hardly doubt the moral purity of the main characters of Vermeer. VII. Conclusion A comparative analysis of genre works Vermeer’s Delft, and Jan Steen, we see that artists have a completely different interpretation of everyday scenes. Carrying out their orders to the highest aristocratic circles of Holland, Vermeer transforms everyday scenes into more inspired by comparison with stenovskimi.
His characters are calm and thoughtful, immersed in a world of their experience, inaccessible to us, while the heroes harlemskogo genre painter in every way the audience are invited to join him. Vermeer avoids overt allusions to the indecorous happening, giving aristocratic manners of people who commit immoral acts. Interestingly the difference in the understanding of the role of the artist and his creativity. While Stan strongly emphasizes its membership and loyalty crowd, the artist Vermeer takes an entirely different status, elevated to the rank of the Creator, and the process of artistic creation becomes sacred. List of sources used: 1. Two examples of interpretation.