Project Content

Knowing and mainstream cycles, processes, dynamics of natural phenomena and relationships among elements of the system without raising “situations artificial problems. ” Previous ACTIVITIES: Through a book of anecdotes and research (working mode of teaching) a jointly by the family of children which were translated: ideas, experiences, research, special assignments, artwork, personal productions, photos and that each activity requires. This project will update the families, as planned, waiting for their active collaboration, practical tips, advice “home” and a commitment to put into practice in their homes so important endeavor. Site survey work in the garden begins with the characterization of the place designated, taking into account several factors: sun, soil, slope, water, vegetation, animals, weather. Soil preparation starts with land clearing. a existing vegetation is removed and the soil is removed. Outlines the areas for cultivation.

Cover the ground with a layer of plant material (straw, wood shavings, leaves) Sowing and planting can be carried out in two ways: by planting from seed or from vegetative organs: stems, tubers, etc. Crop Growth and Development After soil preparation and planting, begin activities: irrigation (construction of showers with recycled material), fertilizing, weeding, armed with a scarecrow. As at this stage the plants are undergoing change, one can observe plant requirements including: process (photosynthesis), sequence of the life cycle: flower, fruit, seeds, nutrients they need. Harvesting and processing of products comes the harvest. The harvesting is done when they have the maturity or developmentally appropriate for consumption. PROCEDURAL CONTENT * Asking questions and anticipations about the life of the components of the ecosystem and its process.

* Obtaining information through oral expression. * Search and selection of material for the experience. * Exploration direct, active and systematically. * Log information happens periodically and communicate them through discussions or graphics. Attitudinal contents * Respect and appreciation for diversity and organization of the environment. * Curiosity. Initiation of attitudes of openness to inquiry into what surrounds it. * Rating in the exchange of ideas and defend their views. * Assessment of cooperative norm. PROJECT TIME: EVALUATION The 2U quarter will develop gradually, with direct observations and confrontations group keeping track of data to compare the changes that are occurring.