Monthly Archives: July 2015

Arctic Circle

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Since children we have dreamed to meet Santa Claus, his elves and especially Rudolf (red nose reindeer). This is already possible!, we can visit to Santa Claus and his helpers. There is a village in Finland, particularly in Lapland on the line of the Arctic Circle, where lives Santa Claus, this is located 8 kilometres from the city of Rovaniemi. Children living in this village are lucky to see him almost every day of the year, since our beloved Santa gets to greet children. Travel to this town can be an unforgettable experience, not just for the little ones, if not for the parents, although we don’t acknowledge it, we enjoy much or more than they.

This site is very far and it’s very cold, by what if we have babies very small we should wait a bit, from the three year old children already will be able to enjoy the journey. You can visit this place on any date, but since then, the month of December is the best choice, in This time of year the people of Lapland is decked with Christmas themes and is a good way to introduce our children to the magic of Christmas. Like everything else, there are several options for this experience, we can buy flights and find hotels on our own, but a difficult is to reach. Another option is to choose a tourist package of 4 days. In these four days, the children can play with snow, put snowshoes, ride in snowmobile and sled, most importantly, will be left without words to see Grandpa’s white beard that will approach the people to personally receive the small letters.

Visit Lapland not only Santa Claus to visit and see their assistants duendes, is also snow, spectacular scenery and fun. During the stay in Lapland, families can perform all activities wishing and waiting in an environment like this: sledges pulled by dogs and reindeer, snowmobiles and a walk up to the line of the Arctic Circle, in addition to visiting the incredible home of Santa Claus. Adults can enjoy the tranquility of the nights and the vision of the aurora borealis. The accommodations are wonderful apartments that are located in the foothills of the mountains Ruka. Travel is expensive and certainly there cheap hotels, but it’s worth an experience with this. You can view the location on Google Maps:, + Finland & hl = it & ll = 67.

Basil And Their Amazing Uses

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Can you not be a fan of herbs, but you must be very strong to not be seduced by the heady aroma of Basil. For more than 5,000 years, countries such as India, Iran and other tropical countries of Asia have been growing Basil. Basil comes in many varieties: Sweet Basil that often is used in many Italian foods is not the only variety of Basil that exists. There is basil lime, Thai basil, and Yes, even a sacred Basil. All these varieties of Basil are widely used in many Asian countries. In India, Basil is considered a sacred plant.

Hindus believe that Basil is a carrier of purity (sattvica), so Basil plants can be found in many homes of the India. The inhabitants maintain a Basil plant in their homes since we believe that Basil is an Air Purifier natural able to absorb the positive ions and energize the negatives. In medicine (e.g. Ayurvedic, Vata diseases stomach cramps) are treated with Basil. Westerners also used the Basil. In fact, Basil is known to be a tonic for the nerves, stress (which may cause anxiety), and help digestion.

Many use it because you know it helps improve memory and promote a better concentration. Basil also is an effective natural remedy for infections (e.g., ringworm) skin fungal, insect bites, and even snake bites. Here is a simple recipe with Basil to try. The recipe makes one cup of fresh basil pesto. What you need is: 2 cups leaves of fresh basil 1/2 cup grated Parmesan or romano cheese 1/2 cup of oil of olive (extra virgin) 1/3 cup walnuts or pine nuts 3 cloves chopped medium garlic salt and black pepper to taste ground place Basil and walnuts in food processor and pulse. Add the minced garlic and press it a few more times. With the food processor turned on, slowly add the olive oil in a steady stream. Turn the food processor and scrape the sides with a spatula before adding the cheese. Turn food processor on and add a pinch of salt and freshly ground black pepper. Serve pesto over pasta or on slices of toasted bread. Original author and source of the article

Oiticica Helium Fashion

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Flvio de Carvalho walked for the center of So Paulo in way to the public of passers-by, dress with a set unissex of plaited green pettitcoat, yellow blouse of nylon with bufantes sleeves and holes under the armpits. Another important experience is of the artist Oiticica Helium. That it developed in the spaces of daily a form of displacement for inside of an institucional space of art. In 1964, Oiticica Helium created the Parangols, the standards, the tents and layers to be used for the spectators, relating elements with music and movement. It is possible to define that the performance in the work of art assumes a dynamic aspect, therefore with the speed of the ideas on art change as the time, the movement act is integrant part of a conception that brings the observer for inside of the workmanship. The clothes as simple clothes conota in a perspective deceased, however the artistic clothes next to the performtico movement are the art earning life, which in a social context, sped up for a growth of economic values if became something secondary. 5.CONSIDERAES FINAL the projected quarrel in the research is around the relation between art and fashion. Many authors defend the hypothesis of that the fashion can be considered an art.

After the analysis of the artists and estilistas that work with these concepts, showing that several of these assume two possibilities of creation. The first possibility is the relation of the artist with the fashion, that if summarizes in the artist who if appropriates of a part of clothes of the fashion she becomes and it in a work of art, modifying its function (changing the structure, giving adereos, among others) becomes, it improper the daily use, therefore, its use alone is conceived in a way, where it could artistic be appreciated. The second possibility is the relation of the estilista with the art, that if deals with the estilista in if appropriating of an artistic workmanship to become it functional, as example the use of images of artistic workmanships as prints or the use of its forms.


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The thickness of the bone, the height and the local abnormality are determined and are presented the measures of attenuation of the bone. Moreover, the surgeon can manipulate the implantations shown graphically to allow to a more necessary election on the size of the implantation and its orientation as well as one better appreciation and esteem of the reconstruction necessities, as an increase for enxerto sseo. Still for the related authors, the jaw presents a complex and three-dimensional anatomy. The seio to maxilar is central with projections delinquents extending itself in the bone frontal, zigoma and in the palatal bone. An inferior extension, the alveolar rim, is the component throughout teeth. The important regional control points include the spine to maxilar previous, the inferior recess of the seio to maxilar and the wooden floor of fossa nasal. Ducto nasopalatino is one previous crack that if extends of the wooden floor of the nasal socket to the palato.

The surfaces of the jaw are related as palatinas surfaces (palato) and face. On the other hand Snows (2001) emphasized that the contours of the alveolar arches and the localization of the inferior alveolar nerve are the more important anatomical references for the surgeon. The compression of the nerve for the implantation can result in sensorial disfuno of the inferior lip and teeth. The mandibular canal can be visualized in two intra-verbal and panoramic radiogrficas dimensions, which do not demonstrate, however, the position of the nerve in the buco-lingual direction. The buco-lingual position of the nerve can be demonstrated only in tomographic cuts in the plans axial and sagittal. The knowledge of the correct anatomical position of the inferior alveolar canal cannot compromise the surgical result. The beam to neurovascular alveolar inferior can be seen in the sagittal section of the jaw in its medium portion or throughout the internal rim of the cortical vestibular contest or lingual.

Brazilian Academis

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For this proposal in agreement the unification of a significant percentage of the vocbulos was praised that were grafados of different form in the countries. As for example, the elimination of the graphical accent of the words derived with suffix has lain or finished with z (smnte and sznho) that they would unify a considerable gamma of words. Ateraes in Brazil in 1971 and Portugal in 1973 reduced the differences ortogrfica, but reduction was very shy ahead of the differences that if presented. In 1975 a new project of reform was considered by the two academies (Academies of Sciences of Lisbon and Brazilian Academis of Letters). However, this tentaiva of unification was inviabilzada due to the turbulences politics in Portugal being thus, so almeijada unification postponed again.

In 1986 if it again raised a proposal in agreement for ortogrfica unification between the seven countries that they had in that period the Portuguese as official language (Angola, Brazil, Green Handle, Guin-Bissau, Moambique, Portugal and Are Tom and Prncipe), if this proposal had been approved would have unified almost that the 100% orthography of the Portuguese, but had to the controversies and forts contrary reactions of the populations of Portugal and Brazil so praised unification again was not approved. The approval of a ortogrfico agreement that significantly unified the orthography practised in Brazil with the practised ones in the other countries became a challenge, therefore it involved other questions beyond the form to write, cultural aspects and politicians always have an important impact in negotiations as these. Then the negotiations around the unification and of the ortogrfico agreement are retaken in 1990, where the proponents of the agreement had remade the proposal modifying the controversial pontosmais and that more they had received critical, but had kept a good base of the proposal of 1986 of form that an agreement was signed still in 1990.

The Point

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In if treating to the terminals, since the inauguration of the two first ones until the seven in operation currently, the changes which had been submitted not had given of brusque form. The necessities had been implanted in accordance with that the proper system presented throughout its operationalization. Therefore, when being about the insertion of the terminals in the daily one of its users, I looked for to elaborate a conceptual base from authors, as for example, Carlos (2005), Certeau (1994), Lefebvre (1991), among others, for approaching concepts keys that could be used for one better understanding of. Amongst the boarded concepts they gain prominence of: urban, daily space and convivncia. As already seen previously, if it cannot simply analyze the terminals of the point of view of the form, that is, what this makes look like to transmit, therefore, in the interior of these spaces, the ocorrentes relations seem to exceed the simple apparent form. The terminals possess platforms of embarkment landing of passengers, who go to present a differentiated flow of people in distinct schedules. In this context, Carlos (2005) affirms: The constructions could be taken as the static elements of the landscape.

If to observe its type, degree of conservation, architecture, will perceive the movement ' ' escondido' ' in the form. Depending on the hour of the day, or day of the week, the comment of one determined place goes to show one definitive moment of the daily one of the life of the people, (…). (CARLOS, 2005, p.39). I believe to be possible to apply this concept in the project. In the peak schedules, we can see an intense movement of users in the terminals: individuals joining in lines, embarking or disembarking of the buses, using It is as if the terminals carried through a movement of repulse and attraction of flows, constituting, in elapsing of the day, differentiated landscapes and that they bring the most varied forms of if perceiving the reality of that place where the interactions are occurring.