For this proposal in agreement the unification of a significant percentage of the vocbulos was praised that were grafados of different form in the countries. As for example, the elimination of the graphical accent of the words derived with suffix has lain or finished with z (smnte and sznho) that they would unify a considerable gamma of words. Ateraes in Brazil in 1971 and Portugal in 1973 reduced the differences ortogrfica, but reduction was very shy ahead of the differences that if presented. In 1975 a new project of reform was considered by the two academies (Academies of Sciences of Lisbon and Brazilian Academis of Letters). However, this tentaiva of unification was inviabilzada due to the turbulences politics in Portugal being thus, so almeijada unification postponed again.
In 1986 if it again raised a proposal in agreement for ortogrfica unification between the seven countries that they had in that period the Portuguese as official language (Angola, Brazil, Green Handle, Guin-Bissau, Moambique, Portugal and Are Tom and Prncipe), if this proposal had been approved would have unified almost that the 100% orthography of the Portuguese, but had to the controversies and forts contrary reactions of the populations of Portugal and Brazil so praised unification again was not approved. The approval of a ortogrfico agreement that significantly unified the orthography practised in Brazil with the practised ones in the other countries became a challenge, therefore it involved other questions beyond the form to write, cultural aspects and politicians always have an important impact in negotiations as these. Then the negotiations around the unification and of the ortogrfico agreement are retaken in 1990, where the proponents of the agreement had remade the proposal modifying the controversial pontosmais and that more they had received critical, but had kept a good base of the proposal of 1986 of form that an agreement was signed still in 1990.