Board Game Rummikub

Desktop puzzle game Rummikub has long conquered the world. Those who have not heard anything about it, we are ready to tell all … Rummikub (Rummikub) – this is one of the most famous games in the world. It appeared in Palestine in the early 30s of the twentieth century by Ephraim Horttsano, Jewish immigrants from Romania. It is believed that the first version of the board game he fashioned in his own backyard. It combines elements of dominoes, bingo, chess and mahjong.

By 1977, this game absolutely captivated the entire world. Rummikub game exciting, simple, with lots of surprises and fun moments. It consists of four hundred and four tiles of different colors (black, yellow, red and blue) containing two copies of the figures 1 to 13, and two plates with the image of a joker that can replace any other figure. The purpose of this amazing game – the first to get rid of all of its tiles, comprising various combinations of the playing field: rows of tiles of one colors, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, or group of tiles of different colors, but the same rank – such as four tiles of red, blue, black and yellow with dignity 5. Rummikub may seem a simple game, but this will not win without mindfulness, the ability to calculate several moves ahead. Secretary of Agriculture has plenty of information regarding this issue.

The game is designed it for 2-4 persons and is ideal for family evenings, but fairly simple rules will allow children to play along with adults and get a lot of fun. In 1980 he was recognized as Rummikub game of the year in Germany, in 1983 – in Denmark. This game is suitable for everybody – and lovers of a relaxing family vacation, and lovers of full-fledged battles. No wonder the motto of this game "Rummikub – Brings people together! "Hurry to give to her friends as they do not have the same gift to you!