Monthly Archives: January 2015

Management Website Business

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"1C-Bitrix Site Manager – Business" provides ample opportunities for team-building on the site, to manage partner networks and electronic commerce. The editors of "1C-Bitrix Management Website – Business "is designed to develop a business portal, corporate site of a large organization or enterprise knowledge-management systems, online stores and other large-scale web projects. Opportunities. Project Administrator, developed on the basis of "1C-Bitrix Site Manager – Business," will be able to: – organize workflow for editing phase before going live on the site – to keep the change history information – upload and update product catalogs in the format of XML (CommerceML) of "1C" or other programs – to import and export directory data in the format of Excel; – to manage wholesale, dealer, retail and other types of prices – assign access rights to the prices buyers directory – to manage discounts and margins – set the dependence of the price band of delivery – to accept and process orders – to customize the interface to order payment through normal and electronic payment systems and much more. To manage a project created on the basis of "1C-Bitrix Site Manager – Business," do not need to involve experts in the field of programming and html-layout. Workflow. "1C-Bitrix Site Manager – Business" allows you to organize the collective work on content that is building a chain of movement of the document prior to publication on the site (for example, from the Secretary to the Chief editor). The log data is stored change history of all changes made by users.

Catalog Management. Technical capabilities edition of "1C-Bitrix Site Manager – Business" can create catalogs of products and services with unlimited nesting, to catalog an unlimited number of products. Presentation of goods in the catalog. For each directory created a set of arbitrary properties characterize the products of the catalog. The visitor can use a special filter on the properties and quickly select the product to him. Launches Internet & Multimedia

Published by:, one of the largest online retailer of in Germany, has realized a new mobile Web shop at together with Sevenval. Berlin, 27 August 2013 – thanks to the technology component of Sevenval FIT the shop was implemented in record time of only nine weeks. With the optimized output, significantly improved the usability for mobile users and increase dwell time, conversion and also the sales of the Web shop. “This new mobile offering, we open our customers a further, important access route to An excellent user experience for each customer is guaranteed by the adaptation on all popular mobile devices. The mobile website is a complement to our native apps and runs on all devices, browser and operating system combinations”, bloopers, COO forward David AG.

The short project lead time of only nine weeks is possible, as is the FIT flexibly integrated into any IT infrastructure system by Sevenval and customers have the possibility of any steps Project implementation to contribute itself. The integration of mobile shops in the existing system landscape by is guaranteed in the long term by using existing APIs. “In addition to the optimization on the respective devices FIT also frontend optimisation technologies were used with Sevenval, to speed up loading times in the client. This provides for responsive Web”no other of the infrastructure solutions available on the market, commented Tom Laband, Vice President new business Sevenval GmbH. press contact: Sevenval GmbH Christina OSTROWSKI senior communications manager Karl-Liebknecht-Strasse 1, 10178 Berlin office + 49 30 726 162-244 fax + 49 30 726 162-222 e-mail

Metaflake As A Speaker Who Measure IDate Conference On September 16-17 In Cologne

Published by: will talk about the German, Swiss and Austrian environment into the mobile dating at the 35th Conference iDate in Germany. New York, NY – Ticonderoga ventures, Inc. announces that on the 10th annual European presents iDate Internet dating Conference in Cologne (Hotel Barcelo), Germany, on September 16-17. Karolina Schaefer, senior online marketing manager and online dating expert on the, will bring the German, Swiss and Austrian environment into the mobile dating to the language. Ms. Schaefer worked for two large international dating sites and is now responsible for online marketing at the Metaflake is one of the biggest affiliates in the European dating industry with an extensive network of single stock comparison sites in 15 countries. Participant and speaker at iDate Cologne will include largest dating shops and affiliates of the European Union.

iDate 2013 precedes DMEXCO, which will take place in Cologne on September 18-19. DMEXCO is one the largest events for online marketing in Europe. Registration can be requested on about METAFLAKE.DE more than ten years looks a Metaflake sites for matchmaking and recommends how to find partners in the Internet. Millions of singles have found each other through proper service, Agency for extramarital relations or organizer of speed dating. Metaflake is headquartered in Cologne (Germany) and Zurich (the Switzerland). ABOUT INTERNET DATING Conference since 2004 more than 34 dating conferences are held all over the world. iDate provides education, ideas, insight, and network for top management, so that they get new opportunities, reach new levels of traffic and income. For more information, please visit the website or contact to us: Ticonderoga ventures, Inc. Representative for marketing and logistics tel / fax: United States + 1212/7221744 ext 71 fax: United States + 1208/7286456 email: Twitter: @idateconference LinkedIn Dating business group: groups? gid = 2190639 press contact: online staff watch Tel: United States + 1 (212) 444-1636 E-mail:

HOTELCAREER: The Best Special Job Board

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The Internet job board for the hospitality industry-HOTELCAREER-could repeat its success of previous years and once again reached the first place in the current PROFILO job portal study. “HOTELCAREER is according to employer judgment once again Germany’s best special job Borse Dusseldorf, 26 August 2013 the Internet job board for the hospitality industry-HOTELCAREER-could repeat its success of previous years and reached in the current PROFILO job portal study in the category of special job market” again the first place. “” The PROFILO study is based on reviews from 1,391 participating HR experts, broken down by the job portal categories General job exchanges “and specialty job boards”, summarized in a ranking. HOTELCAREER offers a total score of 5,94 (on a scale of 7 = very satisfied to 1 = dissatisfied), assuring first place under the special job markets. According to the study, the high reputation in the industry, the ease of use, the friendly and competent advice and target group focus, the main reasons are for the good review of HOTELCAREER jobs. Arne Lorenzen, Board the YOURCAREERGROUP is pleased about the excellent performance of his prestigious job exchange: we are pleased about the again excellent assessment of our job market. The award shows us that our target audience focus, as well as our individual customer service by our customers is greatly appreciated.

The result spurs us on, to offer a high-quality career platform in the future, where employers find the right employees. For more information about truncation HOTELCAREER and the study see under: about the YOURCAREERGROUP AG: the YOURCAREERGROUP AG was founded in 1999 by Arne Lorenzen and Manuel cones and since then it has established itself as a recruiting partner for the hotel, catering and tourism industries. Under the umbrella of YOURCAREERGROUP AG, the single Internet job boards run HOTELCAREER, GASTRONOMIECAREER and TOURISTIKCAREER. You offer specifically on the relevant industry the focal point for specialists and managers of the hotels, catering and tourism. Especially the YOURCAREERGROUP in cooperation with the Hotel Association (IHA) Germany offers businesses e.V. to twice-yearly labour law seminars, informed the participants about current legislative changes and developments. Press contact: YOURCAREERGROUP AG Kaiserswerther Strasse 282 40474 Dusseldorf Tel.: + 49 (0) 211 93 88 97 0 fax: + 49 (0) 211 93 88 97 11 Franziska Stock Tel.: + 49 (0) 211-938 897-95 fax: + 49 (0) 211-938 897-612. E-Mail: Web: