Monthly Archives: May 2013


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If you could not repair your iPhone go. Last night you woke up early in the morning, went to the bathroom and iPhone you fell into the toilet bowl. Fortunately, you were fast, did you get it, and for some strange reason, it continues to operate as if nothing had happened. All of this why demons you took the iPhone to the bathroom? I guess that’s another story. The next time you might not have as much luck. To a fault, you could resort to the large amount of shops devoted to repairing iPhones. Internet is full of them at more than reasonable prices.

But, if there is no solution? If you were too late? If even the best professional repair iPhones could do anything? In anticipation that this comes to pass, it is advisable to store periodically and in another device, photos, contacts and anything else you want to keep. Yes, it is a heavy task, but remember that you had luck last night in the bathroom. How to unlock a Nokia new technologies they run that she is them peeled, eh? They go so fast that they are beginning to be not so new. It has caught your best friend del toro long ago and still holding on to their old Nokia. Classic, as he says. Because in the same way that you can find on the Internet the best solution to the problems of your iPhone, he can use your network to unlock your Nokia and, at least, changed to a more competent company. That which is now has spent more money than if he himself had mounted its own operator. You’ll probably never get to be put to the day, but at least you can help to stop continue to ridicule.

Cecilia Rueda Leadership

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The man that doeth them based on his leadership, will find abundant opportunities to lead in any way to life. Economic depression was prolonged, mainly because the world you leadership of the new style was missing. At the end of the depression, the demand for leaders who were competent to apply these new methods of leadership has exceeded demand. Some of the leaders of the old-style is reforming and adapted to the new style of leadership, but generally speaking, the world will have to find new wood for his leadership. This need may be your chance! TEN O’CLOCK major causes of the failure of the leadership now come to the main failures of leaders who fail; that is precisely as essential to knowing who not to do, as it is, knowing what to do.

1. INABILITY TO ORGANIZE DETAILS. Efficient leadership requires the ability to organize and dominate details. No genuine leader is never too busy to do anything, which might be required in his capacity of leader. When a man is leader or follower and admits that he is too busy as to change their plans or to give attention to any emergency, he is admitting its inefficiency. The successful leader must be the master all the details related to this position.

That means clearly, that he should get into the habit of delegate details to subordinates capable. 2. NOT BE WILLING TO PROVIDE A HUMBLE SERVICE. The real leaders, are willing to perform any type of work when the occasion merits, situation in which, they would say to another that play it. The greatest among you shall be the servant of all is a truth that all leaders able to observe and respect. 3 EXPECTATION OF PAYMENT SO YOU KNOW THEM, RATHER THAN WHAT THEY DO. The world does not pay the men for what they know. You are paid for what they do or induce others to do. 4. FEAR OF COMPETITION FROM THE FOLLOWERS. The leader who gives you fear that one of his followers can take place, it is virtually certain that sooner or later will be that fear. The capable leader, trains alternate which can delegate any detail of his position at will. Only in this way a leader is multiplied and prepares to be in many places and give attention to many things at the same time. It is an eternal truth that men receive more payment for his ability training to others instead of doing what you could possibly earn through their own efforts. An efficient leader can, through the knowledge of their work and the magnetism of his personality increased efficiency of others and induce them to pay more and better service from what they could surrender without your help. 5. LACK OF IMAGINATION. Unimaginative leader, is unable to meet emergencies and create plans which guide his followers efficiently. 6 SELFISHNESS. The leader claiming all the honours by the work of his followers, will surely find resentment. The true leader not claimed none of the honors. He is satisfied to see the merits when there are, goes to his followers that he knows men that more work will be by praise and recognition than only for the money.

Department Of Huila

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Huila is one of the 32 departments of Colombia. The meaning of the word Huila: is of indigenous origin and means Orange. Neiva is the capital. Huila is located in sector South-West, privileged not only by its proximity to other regions of Colombia, but also for being part of the central mountain range, the cordillera Oriental of Colombia in the Colombian Massif source within its territory which is located within its territory, as well as the home of the Valley of the Magdalena riverprincipal Colombian River that was born in the Department of Huila. By its topography, Huila presents all thermal floors, from the warm in the Tatacoa desert until the cold ice cream in the volcano Nevado del Huila. The Department of Huila has a wealth of water, formed in the first place by the Magdalena river and its tributaries, the rivers Yaguara, La Plata, San Francisco, Suaza, Paez, Bordones, among others, as well as several lakes including laguna de Magdalena which gives rise to the river of the same name, within its territory there is a great wealth of flora and fauna, boasts several parks natural and attractive tourist of much importance for Colombia such as: template: Parque Nacional Natural Cueva de los Guacharos.

Template: Natural National Park Purace. Template: Los Picachos mountain range Natural National Park. Template: National Natural Park Sumapaz. The Archaeological Park of San Agustin. The high Park’s idols. The high Park of stones. In the municipality of Villavieja Tatacoa desert.

The Parque Nacional Nevado del Huila. The Salto de Bordones. The Strait of Magdalena. The Rivera.Su thermal relief is formed mainly by great the Magdalena valley enclosed between the Cordillera Central and East fork in its territory and then towards parallel north, giving it special features of limes can highlight the following physiographic regions: Cordillera Central: Purace volcano, Nevado de Huila. Cordillera Oriental: Paramo de SumapazParamo de Las Papas, area the River flat Magdalena.For several reasons, Huila is excellent for tourism, is the only Colombian Department which has 4 national parks. All climates and landforms can be found in these lands. In its entirety, in the Huila Department exposes the most powerful reasons to explore metro subway, and enjoy a spectacular and kindly nature. The diversity of natural scenery present in this Department allows travelers to carry out activities such as: ecological walks, horseback riding, Rafting, Kayaking, Canopy, watching birds, speleology, paragliding. Sightseeing Archaeological Park of San Agustin desert of the Tatacoa jump Mortinos and Bordones. Natural Park Cueva de los Guacharos. box of water. the Strait of the Magdalena dam Bethany the thermal of Rivera (Huila) in Neiva, is performed the Folk Festival and national Bambuco reign, with a duration of 11 days approximately; Since the time of the colony, in the Huila Department celebrates the Festival of San Juan and San Pedro, which not only constitute a great cultural show filled with music, dances and parades, but also remember the old traditions of this region of Colombia. How to arrive by plane: Airport Benito Salas located in Neiva, in which operate the main airlines in the country. They are 55 minutes of flight to Bogota. It is visited by many world travelers, highlighting the number of flights coming from Madrid and Barcelona every day. By road: Terminal ground transportation of Neiva, has routes and from different areas of the national territory. Original author and source of the article.