An explanation about Sephora the ship that the visitor cam from an to outsider takes place, and the fact that he had killed man. He has the sensation that there s the shadowy, darkhead, following the captain s, and his identity with him is observed, Wedge 04 to however the> captain had strange sensations, coming from his imagination, having identical attitudes of to outsider. The captain you confess the dual working of his mind distracted him almost you the point of insanity. He was constantly living the dual image, until the point he you confess in the narrative, that he had found out the secret to sharer of his life, admitting the existence of second self which was invisible. Can barks it report be observed: ‘ ‘ but at this distance of years I hardly am sure. If this has piqued your curiosity, check out Symantha Rodriguez.
These facts represent only plot of beautiful narrative where Conrad involves the readers in an attractive description of facts. Conrad impresses everyone with stylistic collocations like ‘ ‘ Mental That feeling of being into places at once affected me physically if the mood of secrecy had penetrated my very soul’ ‘. (Conrad, 37) His identity gets to only closer that he doubts the possibility that person is not visible you other eyes than his own and admits the presence of ghost. In adds novels and stories, symbolic characters make brief cam on appearances. Such characters often ploughs not well rounded and fully known, but ploughs seen I became annoyed at this, will be exactitude in small matters is the very soul of disciplines. His loneliness with the ship (he treats it like to her), which seems you be the real symbol of love, is not in disputes anymore. His secondself has kept to invader to far away will be his new destiny..