Being thus, the child has that to find a place where she can act and from which she can construct a personal method to coexist its destructive impulses. It also says that a normal child uses the resources that the nature offered to defend itself to it against the anguish and the conflicts that whereas does not tolerate, a not normal child shows in the limitation and the rigidity of this capacity. The maioriadas research on attachment and affective bond concentrate in first infancy and the first relations mother-son. Portuguese Brazelton, pediatra, cited for Maria Ines de Souza Gandra, of the department of pediatrics of the Federal University of So Paulo, in ' ' The importance of the attachment in the process of desenvolvimento' ' , it describes the affective bond between parents and children as a continuous process that if it initiates in the gestation and it goes if forming in the measure where the interactions go occurring. With the development of the locomotion capacities, the children go to the few distanciando themselves of the mother, coming back always to look it when something new happens in the environment, and retaking its activities of exploration when they feel themselves calm again. The bond between mother and son is the source of where they will go to come, later, all the future bonds that will be established for the child and that will constitute the relation to be formed during the course of life of the child. For all the life, the force and the quality of this bow will influence on the quality of all the future bonds that will be established with the other people of its conviviality. The feeling and the behavior of the mother in relation its baby also are deeply influenced by its previous personal experiences, especially the ones that had, and perhaps still are having, with its proper parents.
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