Daily Archives: July 13, 2015

Oiticica Helium Fashion

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Flvio de Carvalho walked for the center of So Paulo in way to the public of passers-by, dress with a set unissex of plaited green pettitcoat, yellow blouse of nylon with bufantes sleeves and holes under the armpits. Another important experience is of the artist Oiticica Helium. That it developed in the spaces of daily a form of displacement for inside of an institucional space of art. In 1964, Oiticica Helium created the Parangols, the standards, the tents and layers to be used for the spectators, relating elements with music and movement. It is possible to define that the performance in the work of art assumes a dynamic aspect, therefore with the speed of the ideas on art change as the time, the movement act is integrant part of a conception that brings the observer for inside of the workmanship. The clothes as simple clothes conota in a perspective deceased, however the artistic clothes next to the performtico movement are the art earning life, which in a social context, sped up for a growth of economic values if became something secondary. 5.CONSIDERAES FINAL the projected quarrel in the research is around the relation between art and fashion. Many authors defend the hypothesis of that the fashion can be considered an art.

After the analysis of the artists and estilistas that work with these concepts, showing that several of these assume two possibilities of creation. The first possibility is the relation of the artist with the fashion, that if summarizes in the artist who if appropriates of a part of clothes of the fashion she becomes and it in a work of art, modifying its function (changing the structure, giving adereos, among others) becomes, it improper the daily use, therefore, its use alone is conceived in a way, where it could artistic be appreciated. The second possibility is the relation of the estilista with the art, that if deals with the estilista in if appropriating of an artistic workmanship to become it functional, as example the use of images of artistic workmanships as prints or the use of its forms.