Tag Archives: geography

Governmental Politics

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GOVERNMENTAL POLITICS, MIGRATION AND URBAN EXPANSION IN THE AMAZNIA: The DEGRADATION OF NARROW RIVER AAIZAL 1 Nilene Cardoso Blacksmith 2 Souza INTRODUCTION In this document we will go, the principle, to make one brief quarrel regarding the governmental politics for the Amaznia, and its implications for the formation process and growth of the Amazonian urban mesh. (As opposed to Secretary of Agriculture). For this quarrel we decide to start briefly speaking of the Amazonian space organization, since the colonial period until the moment where ways to produce are inserted in the region new, that is, new ways to use the resources of the nature. In this context, the regions of the country had been attracted for the Amaznia of all migrantes, therefore, from the opening of roads binding the Center-South of Brazil the Amazon region, was disponibilizada the natural resources and the necessary force of work to its exploration. The desenvolvimentistas governments of the time, through the implantation of infrastructure and facilitation of credits for great investors, make possible one politics of settling and socioambiental exploration. This settling politics made possible the urban growth, also of Is Domingos of the Araguaia, that in its process of territorial formation, became enlarged in direction the areas of ambient preservation. It is the case of the expansion in direction of the Aaizal Narrow river, that thus, provoked a series of problems, as the increase in the number of cases of relative illnesses to the degradation of waters. GOVERNMENTAL POLITICS AND SPACE ORGANIZATION Leaving of the estimated one that the great projects, the expansion of the agricultural borders, the opening of highways and the deforestation had caused a disordered occupation in the Amazon region, we must understand that the environment and the way of life had been transformed of that already they liveed in the mentioned region. The process of occupation of the Amaznia has a long trajectory that it passes for one colonial period where products were explored extrativos as the rubber, for example, until the current days where the entrance of the great capital helped of decisive form to rearrange the Amazonian space.

The Point

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In if treating to the terminals, since the inauguration of the two first ones until the seven in operation currently, the changes which had been submitted not had given of brusque form. The necessities had been implanted in accordance with that the proper system presented throughout its operationalization. Therefore, when being about the insertion of the terminals in the daily one of its users, I looked for to elaborate a conceptual base from authors, as for example, Carlos (2005), Certeau (1994), Lefebvre (1991), among others, for approaching concepts keys that could be used for one better understanding of. Amongst the boarded concepts they gain prominence of: urban, daily space and convivncia. As already seen previously, if it cannot simply analyze the terminals of the point of view of the form, that is, what this makes look like to transmit, therefore, in the interior of these spaces, the ocorrentes relations seem to exceed the simple apparent form. The terminals possess platforms of embarkment landing of passengers, who go to present a differentiated flow of people in distinct schedules. In this context, Carlos (2005) affirms: The constructions could be taken as the static elements of the landscape.

If to observe its type, degree of conservation, architecture, will perceive the movement ' ' escondido' ' in the form. Depending on the hour of the day, or day of the week, the comment of one determined place goes to show one definitive moment of the daily one of the life of the people, (…). (CARLOS, 2005, p.39). I believe to be possible to apply this concept in the project. In the peak schedules, we can see an intense movement of users in the terminals: individuals joining in lines, embarking or disembarking of the buses, using It is as if the terminals carried through a movement of repulse and attraction of flows, constituting, in elapsing of the day, differentiated landscapes and that they bring the most varied forms of if perceiving the reality of that place where the interactions are occurring.

Assis Gomes

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The growth must occur although international the economic crisis. The periodical still affirms that the segments of the commerce that have greaters profits with the natalinas parties are of confections, eletroeletrnicos, footwear and supermarkets. “Chavez” addresses the importance of the matter here. Much other sectors had even so been wronged in the Christmas of 2008, in the city of the Christmas, for the advent of the economic crisis that tries to be contained with some measures for the government. We notice, by means of an interview semistructuralized concerning the natalinas parties applied some natalenses citizens, who the vision on the meaning of the Christmas in the city of the Christmas, is being reconfigured. Concerning the interview, Rampazzo (2002, P. 110), affirms that the interview is a meeting enters two people the end that one of them gets information regarding definitive subject, by means of a conversation of professional nature.

It is treated, therefore, of a effected conversation, face the face, in methodical way; it provides the necessary information verbally. The interview is important in some fields of the knowledge: in social sciences, psychology, the psicopedagogia, the journalism, the marketing research etc. The professor Francisco de Assis Gomes, 48 years, resident in Christmas, says: The social behavior at this time favors so that it feels me stimulated to consume more. Since the vision politics of the mayors and governors who mobilize and decorate the city with the representative elements of the Christmas and the natalina gratuity that is paid in this period and me of a little more than the money to spend. Therefore, we believe that the symbolism of the festejos of Christmas in the city of the Christmas is suffering alterations. We perceive that all infrastructure mounted in the city and the quality of the commerce established during this period contributes so that it is friction as a symbolic city of the Christmas and that she is modified by the stimulaton of the sales that also is idealized by the media.