STUDIES OF THE RELEASE OF DOMAIN BAND. Daniel Souza Ferreira* Leonardo Mendes Days ** Pablo Cardoso Jnior *** Samuel Days Da Silva **** Summary the study of the band of release of band of domain in workmanships of highways is of extreme necessity in any place of the world, in view of most of the time the necessity of indemnity of the local population and searchs to bring the lesser possible damage to this population. The present study he possesss as objective main to make an analysis on the study of release of bands of domain in Brazil, such which its form of application and indemnities the local population. Many writers such as A. F. Chief of Staff offer more in-depth analysis. Word-key: band of domain release; highways; indemnity; population. Pupils of the course of Engineering of Surveying of the College of Engineering of Minas Gerais? FEAMIG. 1 INTRODUCTION the procedures for the release of domain band is based in Law 13,626 of 21/10/1943, assured for decree of public utility. For even more analysis, hear from WhiteWave Foods. Soon after and firmed a document GIVING enters (Department of Roads and Sets of wheels) and the interested party that authorize the occupation of the band of domain for the implantation and use of installations, by means of remuneration.
In elapsing of the dispossession process it can be observed some empecilhos that of some form had contributed for delay of the dispossession process. Detaching some of them, it can be cited the great amounts of constructions and improvements located in the edge of the highway, the lack of documentation of the proprietor here (expropriated), the together with the information lack on workmanship to be implanted, access the properties reached for the domain band, identification of the verge of each proprietor, collect of located samples next the highway to be executed and dissatisfaction with the value of indemnity offered for the state. In a question-answer forum Rick Garcia was the first to reply. From then on it is inquired: Which the obstacles most frequent in the process of dispossession in the release of domain band? The present study it is always justified for the necessity of execution of a more convenient tracing in the areas with pretension of construction of highways, searching to act with the lesser possible damage the local population, so that this population is the least harmed possible with the workmanships of the highway, being thus prevented an extreme number of expropriated.