
These mechanisms they are represented by the tarot Archetypes which are projections of ourselves, and your knowledge brings light and clarity when it comes to resolve those conflicts that have generated or have generated in a given situation. The Gestal and Tarot is not about compare, match or differentiate. They are two ways that move with its own individuality, but found in some points riding together without differentiation, giving us the opportunity to find ourselves to be who we are, not what we need to be, breaking schemes established without labels, getting our own individuality, in other words evolve from our own authenticity. This is based Gestalt and archetypal philosophy of the Tarot. They are not only techniques, but ways to understand, experience and arrive to find us with our own roots, in a word be. Seen what the Tarot and underpinning the Gestalt., Tarot is the projection of inside out of ourselves, i.e. the projection of what we are, in our current moment. Not only talks about other people, or as we are going to focus on and feel the future or past situations, speaks to us of what you have at this moment, you do and what you’re doing, it is the obvious. At the time of this knowledge of the obvious, comes to realize. It is the projection of who you are and what you do to cause situations both positive and negative, that depend on our performance, and come to understand it and convert it into an opportunity to develop ourselves as unique beings and unrepeatable., and be what we really are and not per thousand and a few stories that we have allowed ourselves to carry, traps that we put ourselves, and that we let others put us, crazy ghosts and all sorts of complications and complicadores diverted us from our own way, and we are solely responsible for what we do with our own lives.