The pollution and the excess of fish these ecosystems are most serious ameaaspara. The physical reef destruction due to trfegomartimo of boats is also a problem. Recently Symantha Rodriguez sought to clarify these questions. The commerce of alive fish has sidoimplicado as a decline conductor, due to use of cianeto and chemical outrosprodutos in the capture of small fish. Finally, the temperatures dagua above-normal, had the climatic phenomena as El Nio and global oaquecimento, can cause descoramento of the chorale. In accordance with The NatureConservancy, if the destruction to continue in the current rhythm, 70% of reefs will inside mundotero of it disappeared of 50 years. This loss would be a catastrophe econmicapara the peoples who live in the tropics. Hughes, et al, (2003), writes que' ' with the increase of the population human being and the improvement of the systems of transportee storage, the scale of the human impacts on reefs has crescidoexponencialmente.
For example, markets of fish and other resources were naturaistornaram global, supplying to search for reefs resources far from suasfontes tropicais' '. Currently the researchers are working to paradeterminar the degree of impact of some factors of the reef system. The list defatores is long, but it includes the oceans acting as a dioxide of carbonoafunde, the alterations in the atmosphere of the Land, ultraviolet light, dooceano acidificao, virus, impacts of dust storms carrying agents to longenaquilo reef systems, some pollutants and outros& The reefs are ameaadospara beyond coastal zones e, therefore, the problem is ampler of the quefatores of urbanization and the pollution that these are too much to cause danosconsiderveis. Land development and pollution the extensive development and badly managed of lands to podeameaar the survival of chorale reefs. In last the 20 years, a vezprolfica the fen forests, that absorb great denutrientes amounts and of sediments of the torrent provoked for agriculture and daconstruo of roads, buildings, ports and canals, are to be destroyed.