In order to avoid future problems with to your I recommend you dog that you pay much attention to him to this one point; since to neglect this one subject it is that they happen displeased facts in which we must lament attacks of dogs to children. So that it is accustomed to all this is necessary you take that to give it a stroll every day, during this one time wraths speaking to him signs smoothly and to transmit to him at any moment that no it has nothing of which to be scared and that everything is well. The puppy will be able to perceive your emotional state and your calm energy and thus will be adapted well to all these new situations for him. To never approach the puppy with abruptness towards which it brings about fear or distrust to him. It is necessary that this acostumbramiento is gradual and progressive, beginning only by 5 minutes daily and to be increasing every day a pair of minutes more. Other things with which your puppy must become familiar in this one stage: 1) Vehicles of all type: cars, trucks, groups (buses) to avoid that in the future it has the bad habit to persecute them. 2) Sounds: Sirens, horns, electric home appliances like dryers of hairs, lustra-vacuum cleaners, cutting of turf, etc.
3) Places: His cucha, birdcage, beaches of parking, parks, rivers, etc. 4) Surfaces: Shining floors, of floor tile, concrete, sand, stones, earth, turf, etc. 5) Actions: To touch it and to review it in all their body: eyes, mouth, ears, the genitals, tail, hands and feet, abdomen, etc. Cepillar the hair, to provide to him to medecines by mouth, being to him caressed by other people. Considering all this one information; I recommend that when you decide to take a puppy to your house it does not have more than 50 days of age, this way in his first 50 days will be sociabilizar with its mother, her brothers and the people in charge of the raising, and soon you must If you wish to mainly obtain the complete data on this one subject and related to the education of the puppies and its problems of conduct, as well as the Best techniques and secrets to be able to solve these problems you only have.